Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Kind of Friends We Are (part 2)

A while back I started a series about friendships: past and present. I finished my posts about the past, and started with posts about the present, but never finished. This is my final installment in this series.
The Kind of Friends We Used To Be (Part 1)
The Kind of Friends We Used To Be (Part 2)
The Kind of Friends We Are (Part 1)

You were the competition. That random person who joined my Facebook group for the sole purpose of scouting out who you were up against.

Not that I was much of a challenge: out of the running after the first round and all.

That whole week was such a blast.

Being in our little group was such a blessing.

Our crazy, random conversations and dorky inside jokes still made me smile. Maybe it's because they continue.

Every time we talk, I become more encouraged and affirmed.

You're the kind of person I can have the strangest, most off-the-wall conversations with, and it be all apart of a perfectly normal afternoon.

Lately, our conversations have gravitated towards a season in life that is inevitable and creeping upon on us: growing up, moving out of our respective homes, and being on our own. We're both trying to reach out towards our goals and dreams. But reality is striking. Goals and dreams aren't as easy to accomplish as they once were.

It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that you're going to reach your goals.

But if God wants you somewhere, there's going to be no stopping you.

You are a wonderful blessing of a friend. I can't wait to see where life takes you.

See you soon. :) ::heart thump::

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