Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It Is Finished.

I have spent my entire day writing. At first, I worked on the novel I mentioned a few days ago that I am co-writing with a friend. After finishing my first chapter, I had nothing to go off of, as another brainstorming session is in dire need of happening.

So what did I do?

I did the only thing I could do!

Worked on Esperanza's Journey.

And Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, I am pleased to announce that:

Esperanza's Journey has been completed!!!!!!!!!

I plan on going back through the entire thing and revising, but I have finally completed the last chapter. It is now a nine-chapter, 48 page allegory just waiting for revision and publication. You cannot even imagine how excited I am right now. I have had many ideas for books before, but have never had enough of an idea to complete one. But now, I have!!!

I'll admit, it's rather short. But, it is an allegory, and those are almost meant to be short. What matters is that I had a story in my heart and I have accomplished in telling it.

I am praising God right now for His faithfulness with this novella. He used a church service to inspire my heart back in March (I will write a post later this week with the full story of the inspiration). This could not have been written without His guidance and leading. I know that He will continue in His faithfulness as I revise and seek publication for this novella. I appreciate your prayers as I begin this process.

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.  --William Wordsworth

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! That is sooo exciting!!! Congrats Rosie!!! I know the feeling I had when I finished my novel. It is absolutely fantastic, especially if it's something you've worked on so hard and put your heart and soul into like it sounds you have on this one. Keep up that cheerful attitude about it as you edit. That's often the hardest part, but it's so worth doing. I'm working on the third draft of my novel right now and there's been times I've felt like giving up, but if it's a story God's given you to write just keep pressing on and trust in Him and He will help you complete it. Will be praying for publishing opportunities for you!

