Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Eclectic Mind

Here I go again. Creating another blog. My newest one will make number three in my list of blogs. But it's not like I get tired of one blog and move to another. I maintain all three. They all have a purpose.

Take this one for instance. A Paradox Among the Logical. Here you will find many of the random musings that cross my mind. My life. What I live for. Actually, Who I live for. God. He is my all in all. I hope that what I write reflects that. When you enter my world of paradoxes, I hope you smell Jesus.

Then, there's my next one. The Ripple Effect. In this one, I collect and record people's stories. I haven't received one in a while. But I know in God's timing, someone will be willing to share another story.

Then, there's my newest one. Sweet Serenade Photography. As the name implies, this is my photography blog. I've decided that this blog will be the place I post my daily photos. I might continue to put them on Facebook. We'll see. But this blog will also be a place for me to showcase and display my work. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me in the area of photography. While I don't foresee it as a career, I know it will always be something I'll be able to fall back on.

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