I'll admit, I have not been very prudent in blogging recently. I did say before that I'd likely only be able to post once a month for a while. I posted last month. Here's my post for this month. Let's see how this goes. Ready? Yeah, me neither.
It's hard to believe I'm already through five weeks of my second semester of college. I honestly don't know how to describe these past weeks. Life has been one thing after another. As it always is.
It might be the time, or the fact that I have been feeling like crud (physically) all day, but I'm not entirely sure what to write. There's so much I could say about these five weeks.
Studying is good for you. It gets you As and Bs.
When you've had a super stinky day that's messed with your emotions, it's okay to take an evening for you. Go off campus with a close friend. Drink coffee at Starbucks. Bring your homework and work on it. But it's okay to get distracted by Facebook, Grooveshark, and YouTube. When you've spent nearly every night for the past five weeks doing some sort of homework, you deserve a night off.
Space is good.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Forgive, forgive, forgive.
Communicate. Seriously. Just do it. I know. It's hard. But not doing so is even worse. Cause it hurts. like. heck.
Be honest.
Find something funny and laugh at it. It feels amazing.
Enjoy the people God gave you that love you. They're there for a reason.
Love like crazy.
Don't forget your devotions. Every day, time with God. You need it. Desperately.